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Employment Opportunities


Think of the Four Winds as a sort of Steamwheedle Preservation Society -

but more interested in sales, supply and for-hire work, and a lot less Goblin-run.

Strict military types would not fit in well as Employees, nor would stalwart beings of faith. Questionable morals areRecommended.

For more information about Company accomplishments,

feel free to lazily browse through this lengthy, informative pamphlet.


Employment with the Four Winds is fun and rewarding! It gives the average Azeroth Joe a chance to see the world and likely punch a fair few things that either inhabit - or are trying to take over - it.  
There are multiple divisions to the Winds within the two main ranks; each are specifically chosen and structured in order to appeal to a prospective employ's chosen lifestyle.

The Acquisitions department is for those who like getting their hands dirty and don't mind picking fights -- or ending them. Mainly the muscle to Operations' neural network, Acquisitions members are also sent out to fight on behalf of the Winds for its allies when contracted or requested, in addition to their guardianship of our properties and interests.


Acquisitions members are also not limited to meat-headed muscle-bags; their knowledge of both offensive and defensive combat skills with field medic training and healing is second to none when applied properly. In addition to their battle-tested conflict skills and awareness, Acquisitions spends the most time out 'in the field' - sent to the front lines not just for physical work, but as experts in their chosen fields of study - as archaeologists, adventurers, bodyguards and more. 


Those Winds members that favor brawn over logic, body bags over bribes and a show of force over a show of licenses will flourish in this department. Not to say that all Acquisitions hires are brainless dolts with itchy weapons fingers - they just favor the universal language of a sword, staff, runeblade or what-have-you over easily misheard verbal trade agreements.


They've also got a vested interest in guarding the Winds' hard-earned personal properties. While the sheer amount of gold and valuables parked in the otherwise safe harbor of varying Vaults spread throughout the compound might be tempting to those with nefarious intent, it's generally suggested that treasure hunters look elsewhere with Acquisitions members on-guard - lest they flee the Outpost with significantly less skin and hair on their person than when they'd started their approach.


Acquisitions members are diverse enough to stand out, but as a combat force, they are a unified money-making force of nature - descriptively speaking. Not as socially gifted or organized as their brethren in Operations, the Acquisitions department gets the job done - with force, if necessary.

The Operations department is for those less slam-your-face-into-things combat-minded, but still want to utilize their unique abilities or specific skill sets to make themselves, their Baron and their fellow Winds members considerably more wealthy. Mages, less-than-devout priests, small-time druids - those not necessarily jumping at the bit to fight at the front - are welcomed, alongside other Consultants.


Operations members are assigned roles in charge of the storefront's inventory, sales and stocking, along with the Outpost's shipping routes, along with a Quality Control role; barring that, tucked away at the warehouse overseeing shipments and retrieval of items already acquired.


While nowhere near packing the muscle - or desire to use it - of Acquisitions, Logistical-minded Operations members are masters of finding the fine print and loopholes in contracts, and have no issues dictating what needs to be shipped to which client, along with the fastest way to get said product there. As the more organized branch, they often talk circles around any less-than-savvy clientele, often dazzling them with triplicates of forms or potential product offerings as advertisements - or bribes.


Members of Operations also partake in intelligence gathering and visible social obligations on behalf of the Winds' interests. Not necessarily limited to shadow-slipping covert actions, employees of the Resources department are in charge of keeping track of existing client information, property damaged by Four Winds' antics, intelligence gathered on potential clients and lucrative contracts.


The Resources side of Operations are specialists in dictating who would be best applied where, turning in orders to the Outpost and ringing out storefront sales with a beaming smile and a wink. That affability is important - dealing with employee paperwork means they often deal with job placement and ludicrous hazard pay claims, alongside angry customers. As the branch most knowledgeable about the Winds' available assets, savvy Operations employees are also open to accept for-hire work and business meetings on behalf of the Company.

Muscle for hire!
Caravan guards, bodyguards, store guards - escorts and protectors.
If punching it once didn't work,
try punching it again.


Charismatic & skilled, a good Dealer can convince a tuskarr to buy a Portable Refrigerator Unit.
Generally affable salespeople!

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