A pick-up-and-play d20 item system for WoW RP.
A pick-up-and-play d20 & item system for WoW RP.
[ modifier save ]
A phrasing of saying that a player has to use a certain modifier to make a saving roll in order to stop an effect from happening.
[ enemy phase ]
The turn the enemy has to attack, heal, defend, move, channel or prepare.
[ player phase ]
The turn the player has to attack, heal, defend, move, channel or prepare.
[ round ]
One enemy and one player phase, grouped together.
[ effect ]
What happens if a (condition) is or is not met. (i.e.; Dexterity save 14 effect target is hit with a melee blow.)
[ saving roll ]
A roll made by a player or enemy to attempt to stop something (usually bad) from happening to them.
[ penalty ]
A deduction to a player or enemy's modifier bonuses or roll results.
[ modifier ]
A bonus to players’ rolls by way of +3, +2, +1, +0 and +0 to Strength, Intellect, Dexterity, Wisdom and Constitution.
[ roll result ]
The sum of a player or enemy's d20 roll plus their modifiers, item effects or trait bonuses.
[ DC ]
"Dice Check"; a required roll to perform a listed action or beat a set number to stop the action from occuring.
[ nat1 / nat20 ]
A natural 1 or a natural 20; when the dice rolls land on a 1 or a 20, giving the player/enemy critical damage or healing dealt.
[ DOT effect ]
A damage over time effect; damage incurred during each phase to either a player or an enemy.
[ cooldown ]
How long between rounds or phases a player or an enemy must wait before utilizing a listed talent after it has been used.
[ talent ]
A listed attack or healing maneuver able to be performed by an enemy or a player.
[ (1dx)+x damage ]
The dungeon master performs an initial listed roll of what’s in the parentheses, then adds the damage outside of the parentheses to receive a roll result of an attack or healing dealt. There is guaranteed damage dealt when this method is used.
[ challenge tier ]
The overall rating of what threat an enemy is posing and is capable of performing, in terms of hit points it has, damage dice it rolls and talents available for use. An enemy's challenge tier is increased by its talents accrued or its damage dice available.
[ damage dice ]
The range of attack numbers a player or an enemy is capable of dealing when rolling a base 1-20; the ranges are changed by modifiers & items for players and challenge tier for enemies & bosses. These results can be modified by items and talents.
[ melee range ]
The range at which an enemy could feasibly in-character reach out and strike at a player or another target with a weapon or appendage, or, the range at which players can attack a target with physical blows with a one-handed or two-handed weapon.
[ dm ]
Dungeon master, or the player in charge of rolling for and emoting for the enemies. Normally in charge of the story being told.
[ combat advantage ]
When an enemy or a player has combat advantage, they can roll twice to attack or heal and use the higher of both rolls.
Per Encounter means per combat phase of an event. Sometimes RP events will have more than one combat encounter, and 'per encounter' says that the use of the talent or item resets in-between these combat phases.