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Just like in the actual World of Warcraft, each player utilizing the Champion's Compendium system has a role to play!
You can choose from acting as a stalwart tank, a cunning damage dealer, or to aid your allies in battle
as a reliable healer.
Each role has a built-in bonus!
Players are free to choose whatever role they want to use in-character.

Tanks receive a bonus +2 Constitution, and can mitigate damage dealt to them by -1DMG 
(down to at least -1DMG dealt).


Tanks can also Taunt enemies to attack them on successful attack rolls. Taunts work by passing intimidation checks - set numbers for each enemy that a tank must beat, with a combined roll and offensive modifier.

Healers receive bonuses to their healing rolls by way of their Wisdom stat added to their rolls.


Healers are also able to attempt special Group Heals on more than one target at a time. Group Heals work by rolling once to see how many members of the group you heal, and then again for 1d4 for the amount healed - or higher, depending on your result!

Damage dealers can inflict critical damage on enemy targets when rolling above a 20 with their modifiers and item effects (lowered from requiring a natural 20 for other roles).

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