
A pick-up-and-play d20 item system for WoW RP.



A pick-up-and-play d20 & item system for WoW RP.
Resonant Charm
Gain a +1 to Strength. Does not expire.
Clasp of Arcane Resonance
Gain a +1 to Intellect. Does not expire.
Brooch of Vitality
Gain a +1 to Constitution. Does not expire.
Choker of Barbs
Gain a +1 to Dexterity. Does not expire.
Locket of Forgotten Love
Gain a +1 to Wisdom. Does not expire.
Lavalier of Attenuation
Gain a +1 to Wisdom. Does not expire.
Basic items increase your roll modifiers without providing additional bonuses.
In WoW terminology, they'd be considered 'green items'.
Each Basic item gives an additional +1 to Constitution Rating.
Amulet of Venoxis
Use this power when you are hit by a melee attack. At the beginning of your turn and instead of a regular attack, the attacker takes 1d3 damage and an ongoing -1HP until the end of the encounter. This poison effect is only applied once, and stacks to a maximum of 3 DMG per round from similar effects or from the same item.
Constitution Rating: 0
Amulet of Attenuation
Use this power when you are hit by an attack that deals melee damage. Reduce the damage by -1, to a minimum of -1 damage dealt. This effect stacks by 1 damage mitigated as long as the attacks come from the same marked enemy; damage taken cannot fall below -1 damage unless modified by a trait or set bonus.
Constitution Rating: 0
Amulet of Elusive Prey
If you end your turn in melee range of your target, gain a +2 bonus to your roll on your next turn.
Constitution Rating: 0
Amulet of Inner Voice
Use this power when you would be dominated by an effect. Roll at least an 8 to dispel the effect. On a failure, the effect of this necklace is not expended, and you can try again during the next player phase with a +2 bonus; this bonus stacks by +2 for each round the effect is active.
Constitution Rating: -1
Amulet of Mental Resolve
Gain +3 to rolls against saves with charm, illusion or sleep effects. (DM Discretion; does not work on enemies CT 4 or above.)
Constitution Rating: 1
Amulet of Physical Resolve
Gain +3 to rolls against effects that would render you stunned, slowed or immobilized. (DM Discretion)
Constitution Rating: 1
Amulet of Resolution
Reroll a saving throw against AOE or environmental damage; take the second roll, even if it's lower. If you take damage, generate a shield of +3 usable during the next enemy phase; this shield disperses on the following player phase.
Constitution Rating: 1
Amulet of the Unbroken
Once per Event: Use this power would you would be reduced to 0HP. Instead of becoming knocked out, stand back up with 1HP.
Constitution Rating: -1
Brooch of No Regrets
Use this power when an ally in your melee range fails a saving throw against directly dealt or AOE damage. That ally rerolls the saving throw with a +5 bonus and must use the second result, even if it's lower.
Constitution Rating: -1
Cape of the Mountebank
Per Encounter: Use this power when you are hit by an attack. Teleport away from the melee range of the attacker and roll 1d3 ranged damage in retaliation.
Constitution Rating: -1
Chamber Cloak
Per Encounter: Use this power when you take damage from a trap or environmental damage. Teleport away through the cloak to a secure location, regaining +3HP.
Constitution Rating: 0
Choker of Eloquence
Reroll a failed Wisdom check as Advantage.
Constitution Rating: 0
Clasp of Noble Sacrifice
Per Encounter: Designate an ally. Until the end of combat, all of the healing you receive is directed to them instead.
Constitution Rating: -1
Cloak of Displacement
Per Encounter: Use this power when you would be hit with an attack. The DM must reroll the enemy’s attack, using the second result, even if it's lower. If the enemy misses, the player performs 1d3 damage in retaliation.
Constitution Rating: -1
Amulet of Material Darkness
While in dim light or darkness, you are treated as Stealthed without needing to roll for it.
Constitution Rating: -2​
Cloak of the Cautious
Gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity until the end of your next turn. If you attack any target while this power is active, this effect ends and you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
Constitution Rating: 0
Cloak of the Chirurgeon
When rolling to perform a group heal, add an additional +2 to your base roll results.
Constitution Rating: 0
Cloak of the Phoenix
Per Event: Use this power when you are reduced to 0HP. Perform 3d4 damage to all enemies within three marker lengths of you, then disappear in a plume of smoke. At the start of your next turn, reappear in the same space at full health. Healing no longer has an effect on you until the end of the encounter.
Constitution Rating: 0
Cloak of the Walking Wounded
Once Per Encounter: If you reach 1HP, you can perform a healing action and an attack in the same turn. Remaining at 1HP does not cycle this effect into the next player phase.
Constitution Rating: 0
Death-Defying Cloak
Per Event: Use this power when you would be reduced to 0HP. Instead, you are reduced to 1HP. You also become Stealthed until the end of your next turn. Until you become visible, an illusion of your unconscious body appears on the ground where you would have fallen. Any ally or enemy who touches, attempts to heal or manipulates the body will see through and break the illusion for anyone who can visually see it.
Constitution Rating: 0
Courtier's Cape
When an enemy targets you for a fear or mind control effect, instead redirect the intended effect onto another friendly target.
Constitution Rating: 0
Demonic Amulet
Once Per Event: Have a summoned minion or pet strike an enemy with 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier in addition to your attack roll.
Constitution Rating: 0​
Frostwolf Pelt
Two Uses: When an enemy in your melee range strikes you, that enemy is knocked prone and Dazed until the end of your next turn.(DM Discretion; does not work on Bosses)
Constitution Rating: 0
Lifesaving Brooch
When a player is K.O.'d, gain an additional +2 to your roll attempt to revive them. This effect doubles for each revival attempt until the targeted player is revived.
Constitution Rating: 0
Lucky Charm
Two Uses: When missing on any roll attempt, reroll it and add 2d6.
Constitution Rating: 0
Medic's Amulet
When successfully reviving a player, bolster your next group heal by +2 healing per target.
Constitution Rating: 0
Necklace of Keys
Gain an extra bonus to Stealth or thievery attempts equivalent to your Dexterity.
Constitution Rating: 0
Timeless Locket
Roll for Advantage during the first attack roll of a combat phase.
Constitution Rating: 1
Neck tier pieces and Rings do not have Heroic counterparts.
These could be considered 'purple items'.
Evil Eye Fetish
Once Per Encounter: An enemy that strikes you for more than 3HP is dealt leeching damage, negating the damage dealt to you, healing you for the amount intended as damage and instead damaging them for the intended amount.
Constitution Rating: 0
Fireflower Pendant
If you take more than 3 damage from an enemy attack, deal damage to that target equal to your Intellect in addition to your attack roll’s result.
Constitution Rating: -1
Flamewrath Cape
If brought below half health, your successful attacks deal extra damage equal to your Intellect modifier. This effect is removed when you are healed above half health, but while below half health, you take an extra +1 point of damage for every attack dealt to you.
Constitution Rating: 0
Gloaming Shroud
Per Encounter: Create a zone of dim light around you that lasts until the end of the encounter. This also increases the base Wisdom of anyone that is in your melee range by +1. Creating this zone of light removes any active Stealth, and doubles the roll requirement to enter Stealth while the attempting player is within melee range of those attempting to enter Stealth.
Constitution Rating: 0
Gorget of Reciprocity
Per Encounter: Use this power when you are hit by an attack that brings you below half health; the attacker is also hit by the attack. The damage and effects are identical to the attack that struck you. Does not affect boss talents.
Constitution Rating: -1
Healer's Brooch
Two Uses: When you use a power that enables you or an ally to regain HP, double the amount of HP regained.
Constitution Rating: 0
Moonlight Lavaliere
Once Per Encounter: When this item is activated, until you make an attack, gain a +2 bonus to your base roll for all healing rolls, and any creature that hits you and rolls below a 7 is Dazed until the start of your next turn. (DM Discretion; Daze does not work on Bosses or enemies above CT 5.)
Constitution Rating: -1
Necklace of Fireballs
Once Per Encounter: Perform a standard attack roll; then, make an attack roll of 1d3 + your Intelligence. The damage is spread through all enemies in melee range of your target.
Constitution Rating: 0
Peacemaker's Periapt
Per Event: Choose a target out of your melee range. That target takes damage equivalent to your Dexterity modifier on each one of your successful ranged attack rolls as long as they remain out of your melee range.
Constitution Rating: 0
Star of the Astral Sea
Gain a +2 to your roll result for all forms of water-based healing.
Constitution Rating: -1
Steadfast Amulet
Once Per Encounter: Use this power when you are dazed or stunned by an attack preceeding a player phase. On a successful DC chosen by the DM, the daze or stun ends, and you can attack as normal.
Constitution Rating: 0
Tattered Cloak
Per Event: Make an attack roll of 2d4 + Strength or Dexterity, whichever is higher; attack all enemies in range for that amount, evenly split.
Constitution Rating: -1
Amulet of Double Fortune
When scoring a critical hit, roll an additional 1d3 to increase your Strength, Intellect or Dexterity by that amount until the end of the encounter. This effect does not stack, but a new critical hit replaces the effect of the old one, even if the effect roll is lower than the previous one.
Constitution Rating: 0
Amulet of Elegy
When an ally is K.O.'d, increase the amount healed by your spells and effects by +1 until the end of the event. This effect stacks by +1 per K.O’d party member, up to a maximum of +4.
Constitution Rating: 0
Amulet of Vigor
When a chosen ally delivers a killing blow on an enemy, increase your Strength, Intellect, Wisdom or Dexterity by 1d3 until the end of your next turn. This ally is chosen at the start of your player phase, and can be changed at the beginning of the next player phase.
Constitution Rating: 1
Amulet of Warding
When an ally in your melee range is struck by an attack, receive a bonus of +5 to your next roll.
Constitution Rating: -1
Assassin's Cloak
Add an additional +3 to attempts to slip into Stealth, and a +5 to rolls regarding pickpocketing or thievery.
Constitution Rating: 0
Badge of the Berserker
Gain Strength equal to your modifier and charge an enemy, dealing that much in damage and Dazing them until the end of your next turn. The bonus Strength fades at the end of your next turn.
Constitution Rating: -1
Bloodgem Shard
When dealing a killing blow on a minion character, gain the killing blow's value back in HP to yourself. When dealing a killing blow on a CT 3 or higher character, each member of the party receives the amount dealt back in healing.
Constitution Rating: 0
Chaos Cloak
Three Uses: When hit with an attack, roll 1d6. 1-2: You take half damage (down to a minimum of -1 damage dealt) from the attack. 3-4: You take no damage from the attack. 5-6: The enemy takes that amount of damage instead.
Constitution Rating: -2
Cloak of the Desert
Once Per Event: Summon up a wave of sands from the depths of this cloak, dealing 3d6 damage divided evenly among all enemies. Maximum 6 damage to any single target, regardless of total damage rolled.
Constitution Rating: 0
Orc's-Eye Amulet
Increase Constitution by 2, but lower your Wisdom by -1. Does not expire.
Constitution Rating: 0
Periapt of Wound Closure
When rolling to revive a player, roll Advantage.
Constitution Rating: 0
Seashimmer Cloak
Once Per Encounter: When an enemy moves to strike you, instead become incorporeal, taking no damage. This effect automatically activates the first time the wearer would take damage, and the incorporeal effect ends immediately after.
Constitution Rating: 0
Talisman of Terror
Gain +1 to the modifier of your choice per turn spent feared or mind controlled after it breaks or dissipates. This bonus lasts until the end of the event, and stacks to a maximum of +4.
Constitution Rating: 0​